
Orthophoto / 3D Model

Your whole site at your fingertips in accurate 2D or 3D textured model.

Ortho-rectified high-resolution photostitch of 100’s of pictures. An accurate map of your property, project. prospect, or asset. Measure lengths, areas and volumes. A high resolution up-to-date image is a valuable tool. Share with your team easily online and share notes.

Compare over time. Follow a site with periodic flights.

Orthophoto - GEOTiff, JPEG, KMZ

Our current Ground Sampling Distance is usually between 1.5 - 2.5 cm,

See Some Details[soon]


Use the images to identify safety risks and maintain compliance. Avoid fines and accidents.

The image of the puddle with safety fence around it is a detail from the above site orthophoto.

Site Photos

We usually package site photos with some of our other services. The photos are easy to view. We capture them with high-resolution sensors. Many questions are answered by simply zooming in to your site photos.

We push our equipment to its technical limit in order to wring as much data as possible from the flight. We strive for technical perfection on each shot. Where appropriate, for instance strong sun and deep shadows, we make the same frame multiple times with different exposures [bracketing] to avoid losing any detail in the shadows nor blowing out the highlights.

Our drones combine wide-angle mapping lenses as well as telephoto inspection lenses.

Site Photo Gallery[soon]

Stack Your Data

Different people visualize differently. Our maps are post-processed in numerous ways for myriad applications. All those data are referenced on the same coordinates. Stack them. There is actually too much data, but if you parse it and layer it properly, it can be gold.

The right data at the right time. Looking at right now, and planning ahead from above, in 3D. What’s coming up? Sewer? Storm Drain? Water? Where’s it going? What’s in the way? How big is that pile? Get out in front. Smooth out your project.

The Paper Map

The success of our work depends on a crew using the data. We try our best to produce a digestible deliverables so we get it figured out in the pre-planning. We can work with tablets or computers. A lot of folks on site love our paper map. A lot of guys don’t get computers, can’t do computers, we get that. But a lot of those guys can use a map. We’ll give you a color PDF ready for the print shop.

The maps layer’s are:
-Orthophoto, recently captured
-Construction Plans focused on next stages of work.
-Contour lines and final grades, cut/fill

Theoretically, this would give a foreman or crewman his rough cut/fill in any location to final grade or prep grade, with no extra technology besides a paper map. He/she would know where the curbs would end up, know where the top of bank will be. That would help. He would see that a shipping container is where they need to build a trash enclosure next week, for instance.

Volumetric Calculations

We carefully measure stockpile volumes to help you reduce your trucking costs and plan out your earth movement.

We can generate reports for multiple piles/locations.

Repeat Flights

We like to stay with projects through their lifecycle. Track your site from start to finish with periodic flights. Repeat flights at one sight save time on setup and come at a deep discount compared to one-off missions.

We’ll fly the site, then layer your plans over an up to date orthophoto and bring in the existing-grade contour lines. Print this map on a plan sheet and have it on site. This would give a foreman or crewman his rough cut/fill in any location to final grade or prep grade, with no extra technology besides a paper map. He/she would know where the curbs would end up, know where the top of bank will be. That would help. He would see that a shipping container is where they need to build a trash enclosure soon, for instance.

Why not do the same with your storm drains, sewer and joint trenches.

Gain detailed up to date insights remotely. Share with the office, the subs, the financiers, the engineers. Share with as many people as possible to foresee issues and plan ahead.

Building Interior Modeling [coming soon]

See the progress. Annotate issues. Catch mistakes early.

Our service has to save you money and time, or you won’t call us back.

aerial map construction site progress safety drone pilot
apartment construction site scaffolding california drone pilot
digital surface model dsm construction site northern california heatmap
volumetric calculation drone pilot northern california construction support
safety hazard construction site puddle mud

Detail from the orthophoto above

10 acre parcel orthophoto contours lines layered