Survey / Engineering / GIS

Great Data, Money Saved


Ortho-rectified high-resolution photostitch. Georeferenced with high grade GNSS on your choice of coordinates. An accurate map of your property, project. prospect, or asset. Measure lengths and areas. A high resolution up-to-date image is a valuable tool. Share with your team easily online and share notes.

Compare over time. Follow a site with periodic flights. Follow your home build.

Orthophoto - GEOTiff, JPEG, KMZ


DXF, DWG, SHP, GeoJSON, .GPKG. Serves AutoCAD, ArcGIS, etc.

Digital Terrain Model - Bare Earth Model
Digital Surface Model - Surface with All Objects

Digital Models - GeoTIFF, JPEG, KMZ
Serves AutoCAD, ArcGIS

Visualize with a heatmap, hillshade or generate contours from GEOTiff.

3D Model Viewer

Study your model online. Toggle on elevation heat maps, contour lines and download models for your engineer or architect.

detailed orthophoto of traffic circle rotary from drone
detailed orthophoto of traffic circle rotary from drone

Wildwood Park, Upper Bidwell Park, Chico Fire Department Station 5, Chico, CA

digital elevation model heatmap drone pilot contour lines drone survey northern california

Digital Terrain Model for 60-Acre Site in Butte County, CA

contour lines autocad drone data northern california butte county chico

Contour Lines for the Elevation Model above

digital surface model drone survey oroville ca butte county engineering
contour lines layered on 3D computer model of hilly home site